Winter in Maryland is VERY unpleasant. As Skater and I were only to stay for a couple of weeks, I was pleasantly surprised that the temp rarely fell below 50. As soon as we realized that our stay was to be considerably longer, it never got above 19 again; it was miserable. We were there for two and a half months and I don't know which one of us dreaded each venture outdoors more.
Mom had in an absolutely huge apartment in a high rise. Skater and I navigated the halls, elevators and lobby each day to the tune of many snide remarks about the "big damned dog" and "he's not allowed through the lobby - take the freight elevator". It was loads of fun but I explained to each and every naysayer that, with his Service Dog vest on, Skater could go wherever I went and, as he was a perfect gentleman 100% of the time, they would just have to deal with it. We progressed from there to the "he craps like an elephant" routine. Never mind that I froze my hands off bagging and disposing of all Skater's stool, unlike so many of the residents who walked their little foofoos and looked the other way when it came to their smaller but equally stinky little piles.
I came to many realizations in Maryland, the first being that Skater was the most loving, wise and patient dog on earth and, second, that I loved him more than I ever could have imagined loving anyone or anything. He was my heart and my light. I also came to the realization that, if getting old meant being crabby and feeling that every one's business was mine as well, I preferred to die young.
Our last day in Maryland, Skater developed watery diarrhea and was vomiting. I took him to a local vet who loaded him up with cimitadine and flagyl and, feeling it was just a stomach upset, sent us on our way. We got on a flight back to Illinois the next day and I prayed Skater would be able to, literally, contain himself until we got back to St. Louis. He did.
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