Skater came into this world in the most unusual way; I should have known then that his life would be one filled with humor and the unexpected.
His mom, Babbitt, was due on June 29, 1995 and we had already told Dr. Sam to be on standby in case Babbitt needed a c-section. By three in the afternoon, we decided that it was time to leave for the vet's office; Babbitt seemed perfectly happy as an incubator. We loaded her into the van and down the mountain and off to the clinic we went. What should have been a 15 minute drive turned into an hour and a half long journey.
Five minutes and half a mile down the lake road we heard it ... GRUNT! Andy pulled over and we got Babbitt out of the van just in time to catch a puppy. I stood there with that precious new life in my hands and just laughed - leave it to Babbitt! We settled mom and baby back in the crate and continued on our way.
Four more times we had to pull over and catch a baby; Babbitt even managed to deliver one right across the street from a local hospital. We must have been quite a sight to passersby! There we were, two adults, splattered with blood and birth fluid, holding a dog who appeared to be fighting the worst case of constipation in history! But Skater, his three brothers and a sister were fat, hungry, healthy little puppies!
Even though we thought Babbitt was finished, we were, by that time, so close to the veterinary clinic we figured we might as well stop in and be sure. Of course, Babbitt had to show everyone how happy and proud she was by wagging her tail like mad and splattering all four walls and reception area in Sam's waiting room.
We took our new family home and got them settled comfortably in the living room, right in front of the fireplace. I wish I knew in what order the pups were born but I do know that I held all five of them as they made their way into this world. It does my heart good to know that, all those years ago, I said, "Welcome, Skater!" with a hug and a smile. He was loved from the instant he was born but I had no idea what a joy, love, teacher and companion he would be, no clue as to the impact Skater would have on my life. It was the beginning of the most amazing and loving relationship I will ever know. I was simply too blind to see it then.
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