Yes, I've used the marigolds again; it's one of my favorite photos of Skater and I have so few.
It's been three years. The old adage, "time flies when you're having fun," does not hold true. Life IS good ... but I miss my boy as much today as I did on the night of August 13, 2007. He still gets his plan every night, still plays in my head, still (and always) fills my heart. But, the physical absence and the ache so caused has not diminished. I had horrible dreams about dogs last night. I don't know why I had them or what they meant but this is not a happy anniversary and I think my subconscious knows that.
Last year on this date, I sent Skater a red heart balloon. Today, I will bury him ... again ... but nearby this time, in a beautiful place, in a peaceful place, in a place where I know he is safe. His plan, a photo of this magnificent dog, my "WWST" bracelet, a bit of his hair and some fluff from each of his 2 favorite bunnies are all securely in a beautiful metal case that originally housed recordings of Handel's Messiah. This will be buried at the foot of an old and majestic California oak and a few of his marigolds, the seeds taken from those plants in the photo, will be planted above. And, if, in 100 years, someone unearths this memorial to my dog, he or she will know that an angel truly did walk upon the earth.
I love and miss you, Bug.